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hey there
it's time for an unusually personalized message from yer host the dv8r... uh, that's me... the rumours surrounding my death are
exaggerated as usual one going around town recently had
me living in the back of a punk rock record store...
although i have been living it up oh
yeah so that means i haven't really been keeping a
daily journal of activities lately but here's a brief frantic overview
of sorts...it's been a busy fun filled few weeks in SF, spring is in the air and i have been stirring up the usual digital dust .... debating taking a flakey dot-com
jawb, and doing some freelance video and graphic design work lately here's a beta page of a web site
site i was working on last month http://dv8r.hypermart.net/loc1.html i am also debating heading down to San Diego for their Garden tommorrow... I could us some fun in the sun in one of my fave towns... but fear i wil spend more than i earn... but what's new about that? SF Garden show was huge spectacle
late last month with 70,000 people showing up to see assorted displays
etc. I video taped it and could send some stills if i ever have time to
archive shit... i have been going to and filming
lotsa shows... although passed on the kiss/nugent tour... Although I did end up at some
half-ass eagles concert awhile back after the nba all star game so that
should suffice for weak bloated rock spectacles for this year... i usually avoid da big ones but will
probably be at the Warped tour on Pier 32 with lotsa bands i used to
help out when they were teeny like NOFX, Sublime guys , Green Day
etc. hmm as for this weak... After I got back from my Saturday
night bartender gig... where i served the usual batch I made it down to Paradise Lounge in
time to see Gary Floyd's new band Black Kali Ma last night... pretty
heavy killer beer blast rawk... even if they go a bit Skynyrd at
times... Features Bruce from Waycross ex-Assassins of God/Bomb on drums with JT from Spokepoker lotsa other good shows and events on the docket for me lately so far this spring thing... went to the Ovarian Trolley
reunion at Cyclone Space Benefit down by Third and Marin Did some bad Coke into da wee
hours with some loudmouth losers and regular riff raff at a local
watering hole and just as I was hitting the sack was rousted Sunday morn
to help prepare for a guerilla Bart station attack from Monday was the rambunctious
chartered bus mayhem known as Popcorn Theater where my pal Cortez the
Killer organizes a tour of secret spots in the Bay Area ... This time
was a jaunt down to Half Moon bay by Moonlight where Butoh Dancers,
Didjeridoo Players, Digital Artists and whatnot awaited us ... The bus
ride is held monthly and costs about 15 bux and is always an enjoyable
blast of loquacious ladies, liquor and laughter...Sometimes we go to
junkyards, abandoned military bases, tunnels, wherehouses, parks, train
tracks, whatever.. u never know if you'll see fire eaters, opera
singers,musicians, jugglers,poets etc... Tuesday was a Johnny Walker Scotch sponsored dinner tasting invite at The Spectrum Gallery so I took Seth from Filth and his girlfriend Kim who owns my neighborhood watering hole The Hush Hush (formerly Naps II)...way tooo much fierce whisky around that shindig including the old codger in the kilt Wednesday night I couldn't snake the
security at the Regency Ballroom on Van Ness But I headed down to another free
party where Riffage . com had sponsored three nights So I was out all night drinking and stinking after the G.Floyd show and finally left the 500 Club around 8am this morn when i was falling asleep on my stool and the fat chicks in Day Glo poly vinyl playing pool weren't enough to motivate my eyes to stay open...
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