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If You Are Alive...React Global climate change is not an "act of god." It is human induced, and it can be slowed down. The purpose of this site is to provide you with resources, links, ideas and the motivation to do something about serious problems that affect us all. The facts can seem grim and overwhelming, as the world is a very f**ked up place right now Our planet's forests are disappearing at a rapid rate. Our seas are being poisoned and over fished. Our air is becoming a strange tapestry of microwaves, toxic compounds and the unknown after effects of industrial pollution, motor exhaust and chemical discharge. Agri-business conglomerates are engaged in a conspiracy of chemical contamination, genetic manipulation and uneven distribution to the world's neediest regions. At the center of these problems are some of the world's largest, most powerful transnational corporations and governments backed by scary military and economic forces. The collective needs of the fossil fuel industry, and military industrial complex are wiping out indigenous people and pristine land faster than anyone can keep track. This grouping of oil, coal, mining, logging, agri-business and defense industry conglomerates are responsible for most of the world's emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.
Thousands of activists, students, and scientists believe it's not too late, and they're busting their butts to help save the reefs. To find out what they're up to, and how you can help, check out the MoJo Wire's Coral Reef Updates
"Unprecedented coral bleaching has occured throughout the Southern Hemisphere in the first half of 1998...similar findings are expected in the Northern Hemisphere."